Facing Our Fallacies: An exploration of what happens when good people allow fallacious thinking to bias their reasoning, coarsen their conversations, and otherwise deprive them of good humor

About the Presentation
(or Spinning ad hominems while laying down red herrings on our way to the straw man’s house, begging the question all the way, post hoc)
We’ll explore the “classic logical fallacies,” considering their application in the everyday discourse of our time. Our goal is to understand how recognizing and reckoning wisely with fallacious thinking and arguments can enable us to enjoy conversation on a higher plane. The presentation will also make use of handouts and overhead projections.
About the Presenter
Fr. David Kenney, M.A. Systematic Theology; Master of Divinity; Current Doctoral work Clinical Ethics. Board Certified Chaplain, APC. Ordained Priest of the Ecumenical Catholic Communion.
He currently is Director of Pastoral Care, Boulder Community Hospital. Also Chair, Clinical Ethics Committee and Chair, Palliative Care Service. Rector, St. Augustine’s New Catholic Community (Denver).
He is a chaplain, ethicist, teacher and ordained minister. He has long been deeply involved in the interfaith movement. His scholarly interests outside systematic theology and clinical pastoral care include the possibilities for ecumenical and interfaith dialogue, the study of contemporary rhetoric, and “the art of the conversation.”
David is completing two works: One is an introduction to the principles and practice of pastoral care in a pluralistic environment. The other addresses the subject of “medical futility” and the ethical challenge it presents to health care professionals.