Transgenerational Trauma and Ancestral Healing

About The Presentation
The past does not disappear. The blessings of our ancestors as well as their painful patterns lie dormant in the unconscious field of the family. Since life is constantly trying to heal and complete itself, the trauma residue of our deceased relatives can land in the lap of a family’s most sensitive offspring. In cultures and traditions around the world, it is understood that the role of ancestors is to guide and help us here on earth. But if our deceased relatives have unresolved traumas, were disconnected due to war, mental illness, suicide, or other separations, then a blockage in the family’s energetic field may result that prevents their agency or their ability to benefit us. It is in our power to help convert their blocked wisdom into blessings for our children and ourselves. Learn about this new/ancient form of trauma integration that employs intentional ceremony and family constellations to open channels to deceased family members and deploy them as our allies.
About the Presenter
Rabbi Tirzah Firestone, PhD, is an author, Jungian Psychotherapist, and Rabbi Emerita of Congregation Nevei Kodesh in Boulder. Her doctorate is on Depth Psychology, with a focus on collective trauma and its healing.
Ancestral & Transgenerational Healing Retreat
March 3 & 4, 2018