Self Brainspotting: How Body-Centered Modalities Complement and Enhance Meditation

11:30am – 1:30pm
Location: The Boulder Jewish Community Center
CLICK for Directions
(NOTE: This program replaces the previously scheduled “Joys and Sorrows Reconciled: Integrative Life Review with Nan Phifer”, now rescheduled for August 16th, 2019. Click HERE for details.)
About The Presentation
We all store varying degrees of emotional trauma in the deep brain and nervous system. That can block the beneficial effects of meditation. The body-centered skill, Self-Brainspotting, complements and supports a meditation practice. A wonderful self-care tool for healing professionals, the creator of Brainspottting, Dr. David Grand, refers to the modality as “focused mindfulness.” Trained in meditation as a child, Jen extols the values of meditation. In this presentation, she explores the intersection between the two skills.
For the first 45 minutes, Jen will present a power point and speak about the science behind somatic techniques. Then, she will lead an experiential section, teaching the basic principles of Self-Brainspotting. (Please download any bilateral [not binaural] music track from ITunes onto your phone and bring headphones to the talk.) Also, she will touch upon other body-centered skills that people can employ when activated or escalated. These help to soothe physiology, process and release emotion and create a shift in the brain. Finally, she will welcome questions and discussion.
About the Presenter
Jennifer Delaney, MA, LPC, NCC is a speaker, former professional dancer, and current LPC with private practices in Denver and Boulder, Colorado, Jen has an affinity for body-centered healing modalities and a passion for blogging. Certified in Brainspotting, she has witnessed profound changes in clients. Her recent venture is to promote the benefits of Self-Brainspotting and somatic mindfulness. She holds a masters degree in counseling from Regis University and a masters degree in English from University of Colorado, where she was presented with the Jovanovich Imaginative Award for best graduate thesis. She has spoken at many local organizations and presented at the first International Brainspotting Conference in Brazil.
She is wonderful! Excellent healer!