Talking with Loved Ones about End of Life Decisions: Have you?

About The Presentation
The Rev. Catharine Harris will introduce The Conversation Project of Boulder County. The Conversation Project encourages people to have a conversation with loved ones about what is important to them as they die. Not only is this important to do individually, it may well be important to you as a clergy person or psychotherapist in your work. Encouraging such conversations with families (however configured) is important as a way to prevent surprise, suffering, and family disagreements at the time of death. Conversations prior to death can make the difference between bringing a family together at death rather than fracturing a family around final decisions. This session will invite attendees to consider questions from the Conversation Starter Kit and share with one another as a way of learning about the Project. Please download the Starter Kit ( and bring it with you. There will be other handouts.
Please download the Starter Kit and bring it with you.
About the Presenter
Rev. Catharine Harris is in remission from T-cell Lymphoma; received a stem cell transplant in August 2011. She served UU Fellowship of Boulder, a church of elders, (now Boulder Valley UU Fellowship), from 1993-2006. She served the UU Church of Cheyenne, 1986-1993, Ordained to ministry in 1986, M. Div. from Starr King School for the Ministry 1985, Advanced CPE with Boulder County Hospice, fall 1985, Basic CPE, summer 1983, MA from the University of Illinois Champaign-Urbana in American history, 1967.
Additional Resources
The Conversation Project was inspired by Ellen Goodman, editorialist for the Boston Globe.
See Resources on