RX: JOY -Using Yourself as Medicine

About The Presentation
Joyfulness is both a spontaneous expression of health as well as an essential ingredient in the healing of dissociation and dis-ease. Years of schooling and doctoring bring me to this: We are the healing medicine we seek. We are each stuffed to the gills with capacity for joy, and with resources for healing ourselves and others. I invite you in this presentation to study the science while experiencing the delightful magic pill that is you. In this pilgrimage to the Self, journey with me from the simpli-city of giggles all the way to the complex majesty of neuroplasti-city. Dance to my mantra: come home, stay home and play, and transform! In this meeting place of science, art and spirit, be prepared to tickle your left and right brains, laugh, breathe, meditate, and hug yourself with tears in your eyes.
About the Presenter
Rohini Kanniganti is a board certified family physician who is practicing geriatric medicine at Rocky Mountain Senior Care. She spent her childhood in India and the Caribbean. She attended Medical school and graduate school in Public Health at the University of North Carolina (UNC) in Chapel Hill and studied the foundations of Ayurveda in India. Her deep calling to bring together western science with ancient and holistic wisdoms led her to cultivate an integrative approach to healing illness and trauma. She is a mix of digested and undigested tradition, philosophy, religion and science. As a child, she was witness to socio-economic and psychological extremes which caused her as an adult to honor the absurd and regularly attend the Church of Monty Python. She recognizes that in the incarnation of MD as “Moron Doctor”, she is part of a traumatizing medical system. To heal that system, she actively seeks to be “Mother Doctor”, holding patients lovingly, and training medical students and residents to practice kindness with themselves. Her vision is the creation of a “permaculture” of medicine which includes empowerment of patients, well-being of physicians and the promotion of a restorative justice model to resolve conflict.