Now That I’m 90: Living Today As My Last Day On Earth

11:30am – 1:30pm
Location: The Boulder Jewish Community Center
CLICK for Directions
About The Presentation
Having reached 90 years of age, Milt may now be the oldest life coach of men between the age of 60-75, teaching how to be physically fit into one’s tenth decade of life. In this presentation he will share his personal experiences and influences, including 12 factors he considers important towards living a long fulfilling life. Essentials include being physically fit, athletic, energetic, involved in meaningful interests and activities, and enjoying a happy and excellent quality of life
About the Presenter
Milton Slater, CACIII, grief counselor, coach, formerly the managing partner of the domestic violence agency, Clearlake Counseling Services, LTD in Northglenn CO.
Milt was employed by New York City and New York State from 1957 – 1971 to organize, administer and supervise recreation, music dance and creative arts, english, citizenship classes, vocational training, adult education, street gang and delinquency prevention programs in east, west and central Harlem.
He has been a guest lecturer at Columbia University covering techniques for developing programs to meet the needs of citizens in low economic communities.
He was the vice president of the East Harlem Community Council, an organization comprising over 50 public, private and religious agencies who worked together to better serve the needs of 250 thousand people who lived in the East Harlem Community. In 1962 he organized an annual all day conference for the NYC Board of Education held at Columbia University. It served as a role model for how a community (East Harlem) worked cooperatively providing comprehensive services in a low income community.
Moving to Boulder in 1978, Milt worked as a VP for a real estate syndication company responsible for communicating with 3000 investors, their attorneys and investment advisors.
In 1988, Milt received therapist domestic violence training and became a managing partner of a domestic violence agency in Denver.
In addition, Milt has been active in the men’s movement, conducting workshops in Boulder for men’s support groups, resulting in the formation of 17 groups between 1990 -1996. He also served on a planning committee at the University of Colorado for a week long men’s conference in the late 1980’s and early 1990’s.
Additional Resources
11.14.19 fm radio interview
Email: [email protected]
Cathy sent this link to me. I am happy to see that you continue to thrive at the advanced age of 90! I am 5 years behind you and am continuing to work a bit and manage this difficult time of Covid 19.
The summary of your work experience is quite impressive.
Hang in and give my fond regards to the “boys”
good grief, Milt – you are still raging on!
I was watching ABC news presentation the other morning from a very windy rooftop at CU and I of course began to think of our “former” lives in Boulder and wondered about you!
at times, I miss our old lives……..