Interreligious Spiritual Care: Emerging Models for Spiritual Care and Education

About The Presentation
Twenty-first century clinicians are called to engage across boundaries of cultural and religious difference with sensitivity and respect for diversity as both creative and generative. For interreligious spiritual care practitioners, difference is not an obstacle to be overcome, but a resource to be engaged through self reflective inquiry, an openness to one’s own inner multiplicity, and authentic dialogue with voices representing divergent perspectives on health. New models for spiritual care and education approach religion as one part of the care seeker’s broad and often internally diverse spiritual landscape that can either contribute to or limit health and healing.
About the Presenter
Jamie Beachy, Ph.D., is a certified Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) Supervisor. In addition to her role as Spiritual Care Manager and Educator at Boulder Community Health (BCH), Jamie manages the palliative care service and chairs the Ethics Consultation. Jamie is a 1999 graduate of Pacific School of Religion (MDiv) in Berkeley, CA, and received her PhD in the Study of Religion at the University of Denver/Iliff School of Theology in June of 2015. Her thesis topic was: “Interreligious Chaplaincy.” Jamie is an ordained United Church of Christ minister with a deep appreciation for a diversity of religious traditions. She has attended numerous Buddhist meditation retreats and teachings, practiced Ashtanga yoga in Boulder though the Yoga Workshop, and recently completed four weekend courses in the Curanderismo tradition guided by a local indigenous teacher from the Yaqui and Kumiai traditions.