“A-Mazing” Grace: Healing & The Labyrinth

Saturday Special Event
About the Presentation
The Labyrinth is a tool for our times. It is a sacred geometric pattern that over hundreds of years has become an archetype of change, transformation, and wholeness. Walking the Labyrinth is an ancient spiritual act that opens one to their heart and nourishes the soul. It helps us to find our way through the bewildering multiplicity & to unity of source. It is an inviting space to discover oneself, the world and the Spirit. One person that walked the Labyrinth said, “I feel the Labyrinth has helped me open the window of who I am.” In our world today, it is so important to connect to our heart and our lives. John Welwood states it this way: “The Heart is the doorway leading into the core of our being & the living presence of spirit and soul. When our heart breaks open, breaks through to this deeper core, we waken from paralysis into a greater depth of soul, and along with that a deeper love for this world.”
The morning workshop will focus on the history, meaning, and experience of the Labyrinth. It will be an opportunity to learn more about the healing opportunities the Labyrinth offers as well as experiencing it first hand. It will be a multimedia presentation. Please wear comfortable clothes and bring a journal.
About the Presenter
Jo Ann and Trevor have been working together for some time and have facilitated over eight workshops helping people connect more intimately with their lives and spirituality. Jo Ann and Trevor are both trained Labyrinth Facilitators through Dr. Rev. Lauren Artress of Veriditas. Jo Ann has extensively worked and trained with Dr. Artress, the pioneer of the modern day use of the Labyrinth as an ancient spiritual practice. Jo Ann has facilitated workshops in California, Colorado, New Mexico, New York, Washington, Toronto, and personal growth seminars at Chartres Cathedral in Chartres France. Trevor is the Minister of Adult Formation at First United Methodist Church and is involved in facilitating adults in their maturation and integration of their body, mind, heart, soul and Spirit. Trevor has a wide range of experience and knowledge from plant molecular biology, leadership for self-development, to studying theology at the Adelaide College of Divinity in Adelaide, Australia. Jo Ann and Trevor both lead from their hearts and minds and hope each person, who attends one of their workshops, finds a greater sense of wholeness and inner peace.
Additional Resources
About the Labyrinth at First United Methodist Church
Rev. Trevor Potter: [email protected]
Jo Ann Mast: [email protected]
Rev. Bill Youngblood, is selling his hand made wooden finger Labyrinths for $50 at this event. Some of the proceeds will be donated to the First United Methodist Church. Bill is a long time regular member of Interface.
Contact Bill Youngblood directly for more details
More information about labyrinths